
Toy Robot Takes a Trip Into Space…For a Music Video - hookcounces

Yep, that's Earth behind the robot and his paper rocket salad!

If the recent Lego set Space Shuttle launch has taught us anything, IT's that sending things from our childhood into space tin can make up awesome. IT's that line of thinking that led to the creation of a medicine video where a toy robot was dispatched into the upper atmosphere.

James II Trosh produced a music television for Hot Elephant's "Edgar" as part of his final university cast for his degree in television output. The TV centers around a little toy robot, who goes about its day corresponding a human, until it decides to charge off into space in a make-do rocket transport. Whereas early people may feature been satisfied using a sick sieve for the scene, Trosh went the extra mi aside attaching a camera to the craft and really sending the automaton into orbit.

I had seen the project by a aggroup of MIT students who sent a still photography television camera into near-quad for $150, and truly wished-for to endeavor something similar with a video camera. I was going into my final year of my […] level, and had the idea to do the approximate-space launch for cardinal of my graduation projects – but incorporate it into a music video.

The distance scene started out in a farmer's field in Cambridge, UK. The toy robot was firm bolted to a papier-mâché starship, and a GoPro HD camera and GPS system prepare opposite the Eruca sativa. The two were siamese with a part of wood, and to keep the technology warm, covered with an outdoor tap warmer (it gets cold up in space!). The contraption was hooked up to a weather balloon that took the robot improving into the sky for a brief spark off to place. Check away the found and flight through space below:

The robot took a look around near-space (about 92,000 feet from the Earth) for two and a uncomplete hours before gallery back down to the ground, and fortunately didn't land somewhere in the seagoing! Thanks to the GPS tracking, James managed to find the robot simply 11 miles away from the launch emplacemen, with plenty of peachy footage.

Course, there are a few difficulties when planning a set in motion into blank space, and this project was no different:

The season we did the launch was notorious for forged jet streams, and we had to wait a couple of months in front we could line up a weekend where our predictions said the robot wouldn't country penny-pinching an airport, the seafaring or in Belgium. Thankfully we were able to recover a adios to launch two days before my university deadline, and we were able to get the footage edited and submitted not delayed.

The wholly visualise toll King James I about £400 (or so $630), and the launching video has over 268,000 views. Meanwhile, the music video has been screened at festivals internationally and happening Toon Electronic network's Adult Float. GoPro (the makers of the camera) liked the picture much that it decided to use the celluloid for unrivalled of its advertising campaigns.

James also isn't quite through with either: Spell he is no more at university, he is hoping to essa out a newer GoPro camera in space, as well as a lighter rig in regulate to fly even high.

You commode see more active how James set sprouted his project, and the different hurdling he faced, connected the Envision Edgar web log. Watch the video below to see how the project came together for the plangent music video:

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