
Steam is about to get a major redesign

Steam has had the same interface for quite some time now, only it looks similar Valve finally realized that users demanded more. At GDC 2022, the company appear that Steam was getting a visual overhaul which makes it easier to manage your content and discover new games.

The biggest addition has to be the personalized library. Here, you tin view updates about titles you own every bit well as a host of other features. Y'all can see a listing of some of the major upgrades below.

  • The summit section shows the well-nigh recent games y'all've been playing.
  • The Friends List is now part of the right column.
  • Just like consoles, the rest of your games library will be shown as thumbnails.

This new Steam update should be available in Summertime 2022, merely as always, it'll be a beta. Keep in heed that at that place may be a meaning number of bugs for those who desire to endeavour it. You should still be able to use the onetime version until the beta period ends.

PC gamers will definitely exist happy that Steam is getting a makeover. It'southward been a long time coming. Given the increased competition from places like the Epic Games Store, it'southward understandable why Valve would want to brand sure that Steam remains at the top. While information technology only launched a few months agone, the ballsy games at present has over 85 million registred users. Despite opposing viewpoints, competition is always practiced for the manufacture and Epic Games will push Steam to do improve when information technology comes to its customers and developers.


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